Can a Defendant Contest Breathalyzer Results?

Criminal Lawyer, DWI Lawyer, Personal Injury Lawyer.

The breathalyzer, known as a breath-test device, is routinely used by law enforcement in North Carolina to determine if a motorist is under the influence. Law enforcement’s prevalent use of the device makes some defendants believe they cannot contest breathalyzer results. If a high BAC comes back, prosecutors use the breathalyzer’s evidence to prove the DWI charges…

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Five Self-Tests to Help You Avoid a Raleigh DWI Ticket

Criminal Lawyer, DWI Lawyer, Personal Injury Lawyer.

Very few people get behind the wheel knowing that they’re too drunk to drive. Usually, people think they’re not impaired enough to get a DWI, simply because of the way alcohol affects the brain. You may feel fine or think that you haven’t had enough alcohol to be above the legal limit, but none of…

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