Underage Drinking Can Cost More Than You Think
Among youth across the country, alcohol is the most commonly used and abused drug, and excessive drinking accounts for more than 4,000 deaths each year among that age population. These statistics, according to the Center for Disease Control, point to a serious issue of underage drinking in our society that costs us much more than just money. Underage drinking may seem like it’s just a part of an evening of fun or a party with friends, but the reality is that it is much more than having out and having a good time. It’s breaking the law and can have an unpleasant outcome.
Minors who consume alcohol are more likely to have problems in school, health issues, and abuse of other drugs. In the worst case, death from alcohol poisoning or vehicle accidents are also possible. Federal law states that drinking by anyone under the age of 21 is illegal, yet the issues youth face as a result of alcohol consumption are real and, in some circumstances, detrimental. No one wants to see their child harmed, or someone else injured, as a result of one poor decision.
Adult Consequences for Underage Drinking
No matter your age, there are real consequences for underage drinking in the state of North Carolina. The state’s Zero Tolerance Law makes it illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to drive after drinking alcohol and will result in the loss of your driver’s license, insurance premium increase, court costs, and community service hours to fulfill. In addition to the legal consequences, underage drinking and driving can result in an accident, injury, and possibly the loss of life for you and others on the road. This will prove far costlier than any monetary amount you would pay or time spent in jail.
Consequences for Providing Alcohol to Minors
In addition to the ramifications for minors who consume alcohol, adults who choose to provide minors with alcohol will face consequences, as well. Some states across the country do allow for minors to consume alcohol during private functions under the supervision of an adult, but North Carolina is not included in this particular group. State regulations allow for adults who supply alcohol to minors to be charged with a misdemeanor aiding and abetting. Some adults may believe they are doing the right thing by providing a safe environment for their minor children to consume alcohol, but it remains against the law in our state.
Securing Quality Legal Representation
If you have been charged with consuming alcohol and are under the age of 21, or you have been charged with providing alcohol to a minor, you are going to need an experienced team of legal professionals on your side. The sooner you secure legal representation, the sooner your case can be built accurately and thoroughly. Every legal case is unique, and the details needs to be handled properly so that you get the treatment you deserve. The situation will prove to be more challenging if you do not partner with a team of qualified, trusted professionals to be by your side.
Our legal team has more than 40 years of trusted experience in fighting for those who face criminal charges in North Carolina. If you have found yourself involved in a situation such as providing alcohol to minors, or if someone you know is a minor and is being charged with driving under the influence, we can help. To partner with seasoned professionals who will fight for your legal rights, contact us today. We will be happy to speak with you and provide more information on our services and how we can work to provide you the legal expertise you deserve.