Criminal Charges for White-Collar Crimes
The stereotypical criminal may be what most people imagine, but white-collar crimes are all too common as well. A white-collar crime is one committed by a business or government professional. He or she is motivated by money and the crime rarely involves violence. White-collar crimes are often committed by someone who is in a position of authority, making them easy to disguise for a short time. This type of crime does not go unnoticed indefinitely and often when it is discovered, can lead to a complex legal battle. For those on the defense side, an excellent criminal defense attorney is essential.
Types of White-Collar Crimes
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) investigates corporate white-collar crimes. Itsummarizes white-collar crime as, “Lying, cheating, and stealing.” An emphasis is put on the deception involved. Most crimes fall under the general categories of fraud or scams.
- Embezzlement
- Forgery
- Health care fraud
- Insurance fraud
- Money laundering
- Pyramid schemes
- Timeshare fraud
- Work-at-home scams
Scams often seem like a good opportunity on the surface for the victim. However, the person offering the service, investment, or benefit will simply take the victim’s money and disappear. Targets are often the poor and elderly, who depend on help from others and are looking for an easy solution to financial difficulty.
Businesses can also commit this type of crime. One of the more prominent cases of this type was the Enron Case from the early 2000s. The company overvalued assets, making it appear to be a lucrative investment. When the company filed for bankruptcy, investors lost everything.
White-collar Criminal Defense
White-collar crime is usually tried as a felony because of the value of the property involved, but some may be determined as a misdemeanor. Penalties can include jail time, community service, restitution, and fines. Counseling or probation may be mandated.
Because this type of crime can be complex, those involved can find themselves facing a wide range of consequences. It is practical to hire a highly-experience criminal defense attorney for legal representation.
A white-collar crime may include many individuals, some with more involvement than others. Individuals who were only minimally involved may be able to settle on lesser charges. If a person was coerced into participation, either through financial hardship or threats, this can be taken into account.
Raleigh Criminal Defense Attorney
If you have been charged or are anticipating criminal charges, it is necessary to contact an attorney as soon as possible. The prosecution will begin gathering evidence before charges have been filed and the sooner a defense attorney is hired, the faster he or she can begin working the case. Evidence, witnesses, and accurate testimony take time to gather and verify.
Many factors go into a good criminal defense. Your personal circumstances will make a big difference in the outcome and can be difficult to anticipate. Contact a legal professional at DeMent Askew for a consultation of your specific case. Call 919-833-5555 for a fast response or have someone contact you by filling out the contact form above.