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Birth Injuries in North Carolina

shutterstock_343872122Has your baby been a victim of birth injuries due to negligence? Are you looking for an experienced and compassionate lawyer who can deal with such issues? DeMent Askew attorneys are experienced with investigating these kinds of cases in North Carolina.

Don’t allow your infant to be a victim of medical malpractice, rather seek the help of professionals.

Birth Injuries – A Background

You did it all right: you took the vitamins, read the pregnancy books, followed a good diet, got into exercise routines and even attended birthing classes. When the big day got here, though, something went wrong. It was the last thing you thought would happen.

Birth injuries, or pediatric injuries, involve physical trauma to newborn babies sustained during pregnancy, during labor and delivery or just after birth. The injuries occur most frequently during transit through the birth canal as compression and contractions restrict oxygen intake and blood flow.

Childbirth is a traumatic experience for baby and mother alike, so a birth injury is fairly common. Some injuries, though, are preventable, and can be the result of negligence on the doctors, nurses or midwives part.

Common Injuries

  • Bleeding in the brain
  • Monoplegia
  • Damage to brain cells due to a lack of oxygen
  • Swelling of the scalp
  • Skull fracture
  • Bruising
  • Stillbirth
  • Facial nerve damage
  • Spastic diplegia
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Erb’s Palsy – injury to the nerves in the upper chest and neck, resulting in limited feeling and movement in the fingers, hands and arms.

Infant Medical Malpractice

As brand new parents, you should never be left asking, “why did something happen?” you should not have to grieve over a tragedy that could’ve been prevented. Medical malpractice happens when a health care provider deviates from the relevant standard of care and this results in harm to a patient.

Cases of infant medical malpractice that can lead to birth injuries include:

  • Failing to properly analyze fetal ultrasounds
  • Not identifying medical conditions in the mother during her pregnancy, including diabetes
  • Failing to respond to signals of distress in the baby or mother
  • Failing to properly use delivery instruments
  • Not properly administering Pitocin which induces or facilitates labor
  • Failing to properly care for or resuscitate the newborn after delivery
  • Failing to expedite the baby’s delivery or perform a cesarean section if required
  • Failing to correctly manage complications during the pregnancy

Contacting A Lawyer in North Carolina

If you feel your child has suffered birth injuries due to medical negligence, get in touch with Dement Askew today. We have experienced birth injury lawyers who will help you determine whether or not your child has suffered birth injuries that could have been prevented and then identify the responsible parties.

While nothing can ever compensate for the tragedy of infant birth injuries or death, you could be entitled to compensation and that can help relieve the financial burden that tends to come with caring for a child with disabilities.

Call Dement Askew today at (919) 833-5555 for a consultation.

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