Criminal Lawyer, DWI Lawyer, Personal Injury Lawyer.

College Safety in Raleigh and Criminal Charges Called into Question

The magazine U.S. News and World Report publishes a yearly guide to the country’s best colleges. The 2015 edition now hosts new information, such as crime statistics. Most universities are required by the federal government to report this data, and it contains a mixture of offenses and arrests involving incidents both on and off-campus. It’s collected by campus security, as well as law enforcement agencies, and is voluntarily reported by the school. Moreover, it’s simply a listing of reports. It isn’t verified, and it does not indicate that an offense was certainly committed, nor that anyone was ever formally criminally charged with the offense. With that said, here is a brief overview of on-campus reports from a few Raleigh schools, as taken from the “Campus Safety” section each one’s profile.

Shaw University

  • Forcible sex offenses: 2
  • Robbery: 1
  • Burglary: 80
  • Arson: 6
  • Illegal weapons possession: 4
  • Drug law violations: 10
  • Liquor law violations: 4

William Peace University

  • Forcible sex offenses: 1
  • Aggravated assault: 1
  • Burglary: 5

North Carolina State University (Raleigh)

  • Forcible sex offenses: 2
  • Robbery: 8
  • Aggravated assault: 9
  • Burglary: 29
  • Motor vehicle theft: 11
  • Illegal weapons possession: 3
  • Drug law violations: 62
  • Liquor law violations: 5

St. Augustine’s University

  • Forcible sex offenses: 1
  • Robbery: 1
  • Aggravated assault: 1
  • Burglary: 26
  • Drug law violations: 2

Certainly, many of the charges listed here sound very concerning. However, bear in mind that carrying any drug paraphernalia or even a small amount of marijuana is considered a drug law violation. A liquor law violation could be something as simple as consuming any amount of alcohol while under the legal age or hosting a gathering with fellow classmates, if any of them have not yet reached the legal age.  Carrying a pocketknife or switchblade is not illegal, but it is illegal to conceal a switchblade if you’re not on your own property. The list goes on and on. For many students in Raleigh, criminal charges are minor offenses or misunderstandings. If you read through the initial list and were shocked at the offenses committed, then you can only imagine what that means to a young person in North Carolina who becomes entangled in a similar legal situation. It not only affects their school life and their job prospects, but most importantly, their future in general.

Raleigh Criminal Charges Attorney

If you or your child is involved in a legal situation, time is of the essence. It’s important to have an experienced legal representative who will tackle law enforcement head-on during the investigation to ensure fair treatment and protect your rights. If formal charges are pressed, you need someone who will provide realistic feedback and has the knowledge to pursue every avenue that could result in having the charges dropped or reduced. At DeMent Askew, we have been protecting our clients for over 40 years and have a track record that speaks for itself. For a no-fee consultation, contact us online or call one of our attorneys at 919-833-5555.


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