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Know Your Rights for Dog Bites

shutterstock_117858019 (1)Dog bites can cause serious injuries and leave lasting psychological effects that may haunt a victim for years to come.

It has been estimated that there are approximately 4.5 million victims of dog bites every year. In 2014, alone, 42 dog bite related fatalities occurred across the nation.

Know Your Rights When It Comes to Dog Bites

If you have been attacked by a dog and wish to pursue a case, there are several qualifications that need to be met:

  • You need to identify the dog owners. For instance, if the dog was loose, the owner should come forward to claim their pet.
  • The party at fault needs to be identified. This may not be the same person as the dog’s owner. In some instances, someone besides the owner could have opened a gate or unclipped the dog’s lead without the owner knowing.
  • The dog owner has to have money or an insurance policy that will cover the damages. Typically, dog owners have a homeowner’s insurance policy that can cover damage. If the owner is renting a home, though, they may not have an insurance policy to cover the injuries inflicted by dog bites.

In many states there are codes that address dog attacks and regulate leash laws. These laws typically require the dog to be restrained or kept in a particular manner. Even though codes may be in place, people don’t always stick to the rules. It’s essential that you look into regulations in your area and determine whether or not the dog owner breached any codes when you were attacked. If you can prove the owner breached a code, this may help in negotiations with insurance companies.

What To Do After You Have Been Attacked

If you have been the victim of dog bites, it’s important to take the below actions to help you build a credible case:

  • Seek the appropriate medical attention and keep copies of the medical records
  • Talk to any neighbors who witnessed the attack
  • Speak to the dog’s veterinarian
  • Get hold of a copy of the dog’s medical history
  • Carefully investigate the scene
  • Obtain the dog’s obedience school records, if there are any
  • Obtain any relevant Animal Control records
  • Get a copy of the police report

You should also try and take pictures of your injuries sustained during the animal attack, as well as photos of the scene of the attack. Finally, get in touch with a personal injuries attorney at Dement Askew who can help you determine which parties are at fault and the best way forward for your case.

Call Dement Askew Attorneys Today

If you or someone you know has been seriously injured from dog bites, contact us today. Our team of attorneys have experience in a range of personal injury cases and can work closely with you to ensure you get the compensation you rightfully deserve.

Call today at (919) 833-5555 to book your consultation.

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