Your Twitter Account Has the Right to Remain Silent…

Criminal Lawyer, DWI Lawyer, Personal Injury Lawyer.

The latest statistics show that there are around 236 million people using Twitter in any given month. In fact, more than three-fourths of all Americans are involved in social networking of some type, according to Pew Research. There’s a good chance that regardless of who you are and what you do, you’re active on social…

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The Real Reason Why Drug Possession Charges Are So Severe

Criminal Lawyer, DWI Lawyer, Personal Injury Lawyer.

The penalties for drug possession in Raleigh are steep. If law enforcement finds you with more than one-half ounce of marijuana, jail-time is a real possibility, if not a certainty. In a country where overpopulation in jails is a major issue, a lot of people wonder why a “victimless crime” comes with such harsh punishments.…

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Beware: Craig’s List Casual Encounters May Result in Criminal Charges

Criminal Lawyer, DWI Lawyer, Personal Injury Lawyer.

People flock to sites like Craig’s List for dating, or even a casual hookup. There’s absolutely nothing unlawful about that. Some people use these websites as an outlet or hope to find another person with their own unique interests. There’s nothing illegal about that, either, even when those interests are not exactly mainstream or are…

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Prescription Fraud in Raleigh Area Results in Criminal Charges

Criminal Lawyer, DWI Lawyer, Personal Injury Lawyer.

It seems like a very simple thing to do- alter a prescription or visit a few doctors until you find what you need. It almost seems harmless, up until you’re hit with criminal charges for prescription fraud. It happens more frequently than most people would think, and the government takes it very seriously. In a…

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Criminal Charges Against Student Dropped, Yet Social Rape Trial Lingers

Criminal Lawyer, DWI Lawyer, Personal Injury Lawyer.

In Raleigh, criminal charges are difficult enough to deal with, but imagine what it’s like to be in trouble with the law for a crime you didn’t commit. That’s exactly what one student at Columbia University in New York reports he has been dealing with, but when law enforcement declined to pursue the case, his…

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Three Common Online Transgressions that Can Result in Criminal Charges

Criminal Lawyer, DWI Lawyer, Personal Injury Lawyer.

From almost the moment that the Internet became readily available, computer crimes have been occurring. In some cases, the offenses are seemingly benign, like downloading pirated music. Other times, Internet crimes are intentionally malicious, such as situations where someone steals sensitive data. In Raleigh, criminal charges may result from numerous online transgressions, and the penalties…

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What’s the Best Criminal Defense for Assault Charges in Raleigh?

Criminal Lawyer, DWI Lawyer, Personal Injury Lawyer.

According to, Raleigh has consistently had higher rates of violent crime over the years, compared to the rest of the United States. Although the North Carolina Department of Justice’s latest statistics show that the number of offenses is down statewide, there are still over 32,000 cases every year. Without a solid criminal defense strategy,…

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NC Judges Have Highest Conviction Rates for Certain Criminal Charges

Criminal Lawyer, DWI Lawyer, Personal Injury Lawyer.

The Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) of Syracuse Universityroutinely researches numerous facets of the US government and publishes the data it finds. The nonpartisan group is part of the university’s Whitman School of Management and it does not profit from any published works. Through the years, their reports have covered everything fromfederal enforcement, to spending…

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Fewer Criminal Charges in Raleigh Are Being Pursued

Criminal Lawyer, DWI Lawyer, Personal Injury Lawyer.

Earlier, we discussed a document released by North Carolina, which indicated that the number of criminal charges being pressed were declining statewide. Raleigh is following suit with the rest of the state, and overall, there has been a 5% annual reduction locally. Although it’s not as good as the 7% reduction statewide, Raleigh fared better…

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