N.C 4th of July DWI Enforcement
This 4th of July holiday, as families and friends gather to celebrate the nation’s independence with food, drink, and festivities, North Carolina law enforcement officials will be out in full force across the state actively working to catch drunk drivers and buzzed drivers with sobriety checkpoints. Generally, law enforcement officials begin special campaigns that target drunk driving arrests during the week, with more patrols and checkpoints starting the evening before the holiday and continuing through the holiday weekend.
North Carolina Drunk Driving Arrest Saturation and Checkpoint Campaigns
During these traffic safety campaigns, patrol officers may pull drivers over for even the simplest infraction. In fact, last year, Highway Patrol Commander Col. Bill Grey said that he instructed North Carolina troopers to “crackdown” on violators and to “apply strict enforcement” on aggressive drivers. These campaigns cast a broad net, and last year, as part of Operation Firecracker, law enforcement set up 4,917 checkpoints and saturation patrols between July 1 and July 7 and reported 1,147 DWI violators and 38,366 traffic and criminal violations.
North Carolina has some of the most stringent DWI laws in the country and the punishments are harsh. If you are pulled over during the holiday weekend, or you are charged with driving while intoxicated, or driving while impaired by drugs or drugs and alcohol, your best bet is to contact an experienced DWI defense attorney immediately.
Are DWI Arrests at Checkpoints Legal?
Normally, police officers must have probable cause to pull a driver over, however, at checkpoints, officers are allowed to stop everybody and evaluate signs of impairment. Even though some states consider checkpoint stops unlawful, North Carolina allows them. However, an experienced attorney can help you fight a drunk driving arrest stemming from a DWI checkpoint or saturation patrol.
DeMent Askew LLP can help you defend your reputation and your record if you are facing a drunk driving conviction. We know that field sobriety tests don’t always accurately show if a person is impaired, and we know that police officers sometimes violate the rights of those they believe may be driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
We know how to evaluate the legalities of the stop, evidence collection, proper police procedures, and breathalyzer tests. We will also review chemical and blood test results and the collection procedures associated with them. Don’t try to deal with these types of charges alone. Driving While Impaired is a serious charge that can have a lasting and detrimental effect on your life and the lives of those who depend on you.
North Carolina DWI Lawyers
To speak with a Raleigh DWI attorney about checkpoint or saturation patrol DWI offense, call DeMent Askew LLP at 919-833-5555. Our criminal DWI defense team has been fighting for the rights of clients in Raleigh and across the state for more than 40 years. We work to have DWI charges reduced or dismissed, to have impounded vehicles returned, and to help you get your license back. DeMent Askew will advocate for your best possible results, and we will aggressively defend you in any litigation. Call us today for a free case evaluation.